How Rock n' Roll came to be

Hi guys!

Have any of you ever wondered how Rock and Roll came around into the music industry? I was curious for a bit regarding this and I did some reading on it. I found out pretty interesting things!

First of all, 
At the time rock and roll came around, it was sometime around the 1950's. During this time, songs were still played on records. You know, those big black discs we play on vinyl players these days? Those things we don't see much anymore? Yeah, it was during that time. Before rock and roll came around, families had these things in their houses and they played all those songs by Frank Sinatra, Patti Paige, and all of the sort. But then technology advanced and new things came up, like tinier radios that are cheaper so people started exploring music. The younger white majority wanted to listen to new sounds, so they would go through all the stations and settle on "black" radio stations. At the time, "white" and "black" were still not in very good terms. Anyway, nothing about that. We're here to discuss music. 

So then, these white people discovered R&B that was famous among the blacks. Music companies realised that the white people wanted to listen to something new and in order not to lose their audience and maintain their black audience, they had to start putting in R&B music into the white stations. Or at least, something close to it.

You see, at the time, they believed that the whites wouldn't buy albums or records by blacks (of course, they were very wrong) so they got white singers to play R&B. These white singers/bands somehow brought in their country music influence into their R&B music and it changed everything. The music sounded different, but it was a good kind of different. It made people want to dance. The music was fast, sexy and catchy! Of course, you can expect one of these new singers to be the King of Rock and Roll himself, Elvis Presley. The Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley... the list can go on and on! 

Fun fact: Rock and roll has always been music for teenagers. Even in the 50's. Also, even in the 50's, parents hated it when their children listened to rock music. I suppose some things never change, huh? (Unless, of course, your parents are rock stars and/or love rock music)

I hope all of you actually got some information out of this post. If you have any comments, please don't hesitate! I'm all ears (or eyes, since I'm reading) and I'll do my best to answer any of your questions.

Bo Diddley

Chuck Berry
Buddy Holly
Elvis Presley

The Everly Brothers

Keep rockin' guys!


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