Experimenting in the 60's

Today I'll be talking about rock and roll in the 60's. In the 60's, it was popularly known as the British Invasion. Why do they call it the British Invasion? You see, this was when the Brits started to explore rock and roll music, as well. 

The most famous during this time was The Beatles. The Beatles took what they knew from Elvis Presley and gave it a new twist. They started the new age of rock where rock music sounded different from the 50's. After what the world called Beatlemania (yes, everyone went crazy for The Beatles), new bands and different types of rock music started emerging.

Jimi Hendrix: Can you see me? A life through the lens...
There were the hippy and psychedelic bunch of musicians such as Pink Floyd, The Who, Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, Jimi Hendrix (I personally think he's just so awesome on the guitar for a solo artist) and so many more! These individuals and bands were trendsetters (they were hippies, after all) and their music was hypnotic in a way, making people have a certain pull towards it. 

Then there were other rock genres that emerged, such as progressive rock. This is the genre where the experiment with rock and roll music. They don't keep in time with music like all those proper timing needed and stuff like that. Pink Floyd popularized this genre, really. Along with Genesis, Rush, King Crimson. There are many more, of course! 
Pink Floyd
Janis Joplin

Also, there's folk rock! This is like a traditional rock music with some blues in it. Okay, a lot of blues, realy. Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin popularized this genre, mostly. Also, there were bands and individuals like Joni Mitchell, The Byrds, Simon and Garfunkel, The Mamas and Papas. God, the list can go on and on and I really wish I have the patience to list them all. 

There was also Heavy Metal or Hard Rock (yes, heavy metal came about because of rock music. And this shows how influential rock and roll is!) Heavy metal was mostly popularized by Black Sabbath during the time in the 60's. But there were other really awesome bands, too. Like Led Zeppelin (my personal favourite, you should listen to them!), Deep Purple, The Doors. Really, this was the year rock and roll bands and artists started sprouting because not only was it loved by Americans, all other countries wanted in on the music too. 
Led Zeppelin

So you see, dear readers, rock music really became influential and to be entirely honest, it's what influenced most music today! In my next post, I'll be talking about rock music in the 70's in my next post. Please tell me if you have any more information to add. 

Keep rockin', rockers!


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