Grunge in the 90's

So the 90's was when rock and roll gave birth to Grunge and alternative rock started to become more famous compared to the 80's.

So grunge music was originated in Seattle, Washington. It had dark lyrics and was sort of depressing when you come to think of it. But of course, it made good music! 

Let's talk more about the Alternative rock genre for a bit here. So Red Hot Chili Peppers started becoming more famous. Jane's Addiction, as well! There was also The Cranberries. I love the Cranberries, personally. Especially their song Zombie. It's my go to karaoke song. Okay that wasn't important to tell. Moving on! Radiohead came about in the 90's, too. If any of you have heard of their song, Creep. That song is good. You should give it a listen. There's even a video of Johnny Depp with that song, too. No, he wasn't singing it. He was just in a video with that song playing in the background or something. I don't know. I'll just show you the video here in case you're just weirded out by what I'm trying to say. 

Okay so now let's move on to Grunge! (again) So the artists that made Grunge music so popular, in my opinion, at least, was Nirvana. Not only was the music good, but the lead singer killed himself because of depression. Of course, in our society, that made the band more famous because people finally realised that the band exists. Or something like that. But there was also Soundgarden if any of you have heard of them. Truth be told, I've only heard of them, but never listened to their music. But I'm not discouraging you to explore them. Please, by all means, listen to them and Nirvana and all the bands or songs I've mentioned to you in this post and the posts before. I really hope that you'd actually enjoy them, of course. 

That's mostly it for the 90's. Look forward to my next post about the 2000's! That's pretty much our era now so you would most probably finally have an idea about who I'm talking and the kind of music I'm talking about. 

See you in my next post!

Rock on!


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