Awesome 2000's and its conclusion

So we are now in the 2000's era! No longer a post on a specific decade, of course. This is the whole era. 

You see, all the rock stars I mentioned in my earlier posts are still quite known until today. In fact, some are still around. Take Guns n' Roses, for instance. Of course, they aren't the same existing members except Axl Rose. The others left the band but the band is still around and still makes good, decent music. Slash who is Guns n' Roses' former guitarist went on to produce his own solo albums with Myles Kennedy who is from an awesome band called Alter Bridge. 

Of course, let's have a little bit of focus now. In this era, the most popular rock genre would be alternative rock. It reached its all time high with Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, All-American Rejects, Avril Lavigne, Ashlee Simpson and so many more, the list can go on. 

Taking Back Sunday
There is also a rock sub genre called "Emo" now. If you've heard of Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, The Used and a bit softer emo bands such as Dashboard Confessional and Bright Eyes. But Dashboard Confessional and Bright Eyes can also be considered Indie. 

Indie on the other hand, originally meant songs from independent labels but every one can admit that Indie music has this certain sound to it that makes it different. And believe it or not, this genre is also generated from Rock and Roll. Bands from this genre would be Death Cab for Cutie, Arcade Fire, The Strokes and I can keep going on and on. 

Also, there's heavy metal again. This time, though, heavy metal has gotten heavier. Their music is more aggressive and loud. Sub-genres such as black metal, death metal and thrash metal came about, too. Bands such as Slipknot, As I Lay Dying and many more popularize this genre. Honestly speaking, I like some of Slipknot's music but it's a bit heavy for me. Why don't you try listening to them yourselves? It might be your cup of tea. 

As you can see, so much of rock music had been influenced from the 50's and the years after. It evolves and evolves, making new and better music. It's brilliant to see all these artists create music for us to listen and enjoy. So this is the end of my posts, guys. I'm sorry if I haven't given you enough information, I really did try my best! Please please comment if you have anything more to add or anything to say. I would really appreciate it. 

Thanks for reading my blog, rockers! 


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