This Rocker Chick's words

Why hello there!

I see you've managed to stumble upon my blog! What, you may wonder, is this blog about? Well, the title says it all (also the URL). I am continuing what Dewey Finn -he's Jack Black from the movie School of Rock, if none of you know who he is- started. He mentioned awesome rock stars in that movie that influenced my interest in rock music. (In case some of you are curious, watch it. It might pique your interest in rock and roll) But I am not here to talk about School of Rock, I am here to tell all of you about the revolution of Rock and Roll and the stars that are involved in making this music genre one of the best genre there is. 

Well, without wasting any more precious time, I hope you enjoy my blog and please do comment if you don't agree with some things.

In the words of every true rocker, keep rockin' and rock on. 

Neena Szulikowska